
















Markos Spanoudakis aka Kreon is one of the few Greek producers who have made an impact on the Electronic Music scene. Both his solo releases and co-productions with his friend and compatriot Lemos are loaded with a changing and mutating flair and character, each release an experiment in musical alchemy yielding progressively stronger results.
His percussive and jazz tipped sound has found its place through solo releases for labels such as Cecille, Robsoul, with boutique Parisian label Masomenos one of many to have showcased releases with Lemos. Two years since they first sprung onto the scene, their focus turns to home turf in the form of recent work with Tony Lasar, developing their take on the ‘Greek sound’.

Having been literally surrounded by music from as early as he can remember (his father owned a huge collection of vinyl), Kreon’s early musical education took in jazz, classic rock, pop, soul, disco and even country. Time spent away from home during his teenage years on an electrical engineering course allowed him to immerse himself in the sounds of US house and Techno, with his first forays into the world of music production allowing him to try out many characters, forming an experimental tendency still evident in his musical style to this day.

2013 will be a significant year for Kreon’s career, as an individual and more specifically as an artist, as he has just finished an MA course in Electronic Music Composition and Sound Design in London. Moreover, this course helped him to understand the essence and history of sound and, more specifically, manipulation, recording and composition techniques that are already applied on his upcoming releases, manifesting the influence that living in London has had on his music.


